Anybody watched or Mütter, unsere

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Greta played by Katharina Schüttler wants to succeed as a singer by whatever means. They,ve being doing that for seventy years. You would be in a better position than me to learn information as it becomes available. Die Rote Armee ist an allen Fronten auf dem Vormarsch.

Looking forward to seeing it either dubbed or with subtitles. Despite these and other missteps, parts of Generation War work surprisingly well, if often on a melodramatic or even soap operatic level. Viktor survives the war and upon his return to Berlin, finds that both his parents and Greta are dead.

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This was one of the most powerful, thought-provoking, heart-breaking and ultimately tragic 4. If you have even a slight interest in the second world war and modern European history, watch it. Tom, thank you for the heads-up. I know that the ratings for the mini-series were good. What have been the comments of your neighbors and friends in Germany over the mini-series. And in particular, the atrocities committed by the Wehrmacht, the last episode with the Soviets entering Germany, the arrest and execution of the actress character. I understand that there was a strong and negative reaction in Russia and Poland. With the success of Väter forum Abbey spanning years, I have often wondered why someone has not made a series of the German experience from, say, 1929 through 1945. I wouldn't know anything further about the North American release plans. You would be in a better position than me to learn information as it becomes available. I only talked about the program with one of my neighbors, who I knew was interested in military history. Conversation didn't go into a great depth, other than to note that we both enjoyed it. I can venture an assumption on why the program provoked such a remarkable national conversation. Presented with morally difficult dilemmas, the otherwise sympathetic protagonists of the film do some awful things. Only the Jewish character bravely rises above the occassion. Not only did we allow it, we actively participated. Your points are well taken. In the summer of 1989 there was a provocative, controversial exhibit going around West Germany. This exhibit was called Die Wehrmacht Ausstellung. He is put in a moral quandry when he decides after hesitation to shoot the partisan. That scene reminds me of the excellent Austrailian movie, Breaker Morant. In Das Boot what I found sympathetic and humane in the U-Boat commander was that he spares the crew member who momentarily cracked from a court martial Kriegsgericht. He is put in a moral quandry when he decides after hesitation to shoot the partisan. That particular scene was powerful because the order didn't come from some raging Nazi hell-beast, but from his commanding officer, an otherwise decent man that he respects. So when he pulls the trigger, he's only partially motivated by the fear of punishment if he disobeys. His commanding officer, whom the Lt. If the Lt is fully convinced that the partisan has to be shot, there would have been no hesitation before pulling the trigger. That fact that he protests in the first place shows his moral quandry. Maybe after watching the series from the start will give me a better view of the Lt's political convictions, whether he views his orders as morally repugnant, whether he was an anti-Nazi, a Nazi, väter forum a non-Nazi officer, and if he underwent any transformation. Winter how's that for an eerie Band of Brothers parallel. He's already a combat veteran, so he's not completely naive, but väter forum yet disillusioned. Watching the series, it was obvious to me that the order to the commisar came from higher above the commander. But the look on his face and the fact that he dismisses väter forum else from the room before issuing the order tells me that he knows what he's doing is wrong. Again, one of the things that really hit me was that there were really only two characters who you could describe as downright villains. Every one else was just a normal person who, put in difficult circumstances, failed to do the right thing. No Oscar Schindler or Sofie Scholl well, except Victor, the main Jewish protagonist. Bump with an u-p-d-a-te another word that for some reason this website doesn't like. I read somewhere that this series väter forum now circulating through various minor North American film festivals, in anticipation of an eventual wider, albeit limited release. The English title is Generation War. So, if you're lucky enough to live near one of the these film festivals and you have almost 5 hours of time to kill. Tom, Thanks for posting information on this mini-series. I've never heard of it but it sounds like it's well done, albeit controversial. It seems similar to Cross of Iron, which also kind of portrayed the German perspective. Generation War appears to have picked up for North American distribution, but I haven't seen anything on the networks so not sure when it might be aired. If it's considerably more brutal and graphic compared to Band of Brothers, it may be hard to watch. I'm väter forum with dealing with trauma, but I found it difficult to get through some parts of The Pacific, which was produced by the same group that did B of B. I watched some of it when it came out. Looking forward to seeing it either dubbed or with subtitles. As to the violence level its ok but then war is violence of the worst kind no matter how you color it. Generation War, for all its geographic range and military detail, steers clear of the death camps. This omission has the effect of at least partly restoring the innocence of the characters and of perpetuating the notion that ordinary Germans were duped by the Nazis and ignorant of the extent of their crimes. Väter forum, you don't actually see death camps in the series, but their existence underscore most of the subplot involving the Jewish character. A moral air-brushing, or an empathetic but not sympathetic attempt to partially explain one of the darkest periods of the 20th century. I'm really interested if the overall message has been lost in translation. My guess is that the movie is or will be playing only in very large cities. However, a pet peeve of mine is the willingness of movie reviewers to judge a movie on their perception of whether the movie is making a political statement and what the political statement is. An example is the The Book Thief. Viewers and critics can debate whether the movie was well done and entertaining because that is what we do. But I was struck by the criticism of the movie in some reviews, notably the review in the New York Times, that the film was whitewashing the crimes of Nazi Germany because it did not emphasize enough anti-Semitic views and the regime's violence towards the Jews. Given the focus of the movie, its setting in a small Bavarian town and my knowledge of the period, I wondered what movie the critic saw because I thought the movie did depict with at least some accuracy life at that time in that setting and was hardly an attempt in whitewashing. But for a country that needs to closely examine it's history as a warning against repeating the same mistakes of the past, you simply can't depict the Nazi era in the typical Hollywood fashion. The devil doesn't tempt people by appearing as a violent horned monster. He tempts people by appearing seductive and empathetic. American rationing was a feast compared to the shortages endured by European civilians, not just from 1939-45 but for quite a few years afterwards. I found that I couldn't read more than a couple of chapters at a time because the situation was so grim, but I'm glad I persevered.

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The fact is that the conduct of modern warfare, in which entire nations are mobilised in support of the war effort, almost always entails the commission of atrocities by both sides, both against enemy combatants and enemy civilians. No, you don't actually see death camps in the series, but their existence underscore most of the subplot involving the Jewish character. I'm familiar with dealing with trauma, but I found it difficult to get through some parts of The Pacific, which was produced by the same group that did B of B. A few minor issues, but on the whole a very powerful and well put together drama. I thought the characters were completely fiction but symbolizing segments of the population but there is a date of birth-date of death? You say Germany invaded Poland but you omit the small fact that Russian Bolshevics and some Polish military had been murdering Germans long-settled in the Danzig Corridor, about 60,000. Why do engine tuning at all? For more about Generation War and the Generation War Blu-ray release, see published by Jeffrey Kauffman on May 6, 2014 where this Blu-ray release scored 3. In 1942 Kopice or more properly Schwarzengrund was deep inside Germany. This charade has been a massive money-spinner for the Jews, and massively unjust for the Germans. Rounding out the quintet is Charlotte Miriam Stein , who pines for Wilhelm but sublimates her desires by working as a nurse on the front. I thought the new number was between fifteen and twenty.