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❤️ Click here: Star wars meister sifo dyas

Not everyone is going to see the same things. He was then killed in a side mission to cover up any trails that would lead back to Hugo Damask. Da , der starb, während der Ermittlung noch am Leben ist, muss diese zwischen dem Ausbruch der und dem Tod stattgefunden haben. The Clone Wars show, in my opinion leans towards the fact that Sifo Dyas was never the one to commission the army, instead it was Dooku who did it under his name.

It's not like we're experiencing a rise in previously unknown enemies fighting us! Weiterhin erzählte der Anführer des Pyke-Syndikates den Jedi und , dass sie einen Überlebenden im Wrack von Sifo-Dyas' Shuttle gefunden hatten; dieser Überlebende, , ein Assistent des damaligen , war von den Pykes auf Oba-Diah gefangen gehalten worden, wobei er verrückt geworden ist. My Question is: Why does he appear to be surprised in the movie? I am putting here the whole transcript from that scene, which creates lots of questions.

Saga - It makes for a much more mysterious story.

Even though it isn't canon anymore read the Darth Plagueis novel. Really helped a lot and honestly I'd rather see them bring that back than anything else. It also star wars meister sifo dyas the mess of the Sifo Dyas stuff up and showed how it all went down. We don't even need to verify if you have can pay for it or anything. Don't even need a down payment. Oh great, we're on the brink of war and we discovered this secret army. The origins and loyalties of it are completely unknown except for what this long neck guy is telling me. Might as well give it a shot. It's not like we're experiencing a rise in previously unknown enemies fighting us. This really bugs me in Star Wars lore. A ten year plan of a clone army requires a heck of a lot of collateral, probably the treasures of several worlds. I can see the Sith being able to either silently plunder a few planets or Red Sun as well as having money cached away for later plans. star wars meister sifo dyas A rogue Jedi doing all this is a joke. The explanation that Sifo-Dyas never existed and was, in fact, Count Dooku, sent by Sidious, is a much cooler explanation, especially since Dooku was a Jedi and knew exactly how to impersonate one. It makes for a much more mysterious story. Maybe Obi-wan was lying, but none of the Jedi star wars meister sifo dyas seemed suspicious as to where the army came from. Actually, the Kaminoins may have been in on it from the start too since they were shown to be taking orders from Dooku during the Clone Wars. Or they were deceived by Dooku's ruse but once they figured it out, they were in too deep to reveal the plot to the Republic - what were they going to do with a bunch of Clones that were refused by the only paying client. Fight off the Separatist fleet that would come to obliterate them, I guess. In the Darth Plagueis book, it explains how Plagueis influenced Sifo-Dyas and Dooku to leave the Jedi Order, and eventually for Sifo-Dyas to create the army. It has scenes with Sifo-Dyas telling Plagueis about how his foresight told of a war in the future, so Plagueis advised him to use clones and star wars meister sifo dyas financed it. It's never implied he's the only one with the power. Not everyone is going to see the same things. He just happened to forsee a great war coming, and that an army would be needed for it. This isn't any different in any other franchise. Trelawney was the only one to prophecise what became Harry Potter's destiny even though she is not the only, nor one of the best, Seers. He just happened to forsee a great war star wars meister sifo dyas, and that an army would be needed for it. I call it lazy storytelling. This isn't any different in any other franchise. Trelawney was the only one to prophecise what became Harry Potter's destiny even though she is not the only, nor one of the best, Seers. You can't compare Star Wars to any other franchise. Obi-Wan makes it quite clear he knew of master sifo-dyas, and both Yoda and Mace Windu fail to question Obi-Wan about who sifo-dyas was when he contacted them about the army. There is not a single piece of evidence I can find that would lead people to believe that he never existed. No other explanation that I've heard makes any sort of sense without jumping through all sorts of hoops to justify itself. Dooku and Sifo Dyas commissioned the clone army, when Dooku was still a Jedi. Dooku, who was sceptical of the Jedi, hence his reasoning for leaving the order, provided the inhibitor chips for the execution of order 66 in case the Jedi needed to be eliminated. Is there any canon source for any of this. What Canon links support the video. Wookieepedia is a fan managed site and not necessarily canon. I don't think I need to contradict the video, the video needs to provide sources. I would never knowingly submit a link that was inaccurate. Regarding using Wookieepedia, it certainly has its' limitations, but has been consistently reliable in compiling the granular information of this universe and separating canon from Legends. A quick look on this sub and your comment illustrates the power and accuracy of the fan community's knowledge. I'm going to rewatch that episode. Perhaps you can leave this comment on that Youtube channel. He really tries hard to be accurate and concise in his short videos and I've found them totally spot on in the past. Dooku also reveals that Sifo Dyas understood that the Jedi were wrong, hence he joined Dooku after he was removed from the council after he proposed the creation of the army. I was wrong, Dooku and Dyas didn't create the clone army together, Dooku did it alone based on Dyas' idea, while Dyas was dead and Dooku was still a Jedi. Thank you for doing the research. The Clone Wars show, in my opinion leans towards the fact that Sifo Dyas was never the one to commission the army, instead it was Dooku who did it under his name. As this points out: Yet the databank says that. I might call it a day and give up, I can't ignore the databank, but can't ignore what I got out of episode 10. Who writes the data banks, is it the show creators or someone who reviews the canon and writes it as they perceive it. Much of it is speculation, but based on what we know in the current canon. Sifo-Dyas was a good friend of Count Dooku's. Both were star wars meister sifo dyas Jedi Masters, and at the end of the Naboo Crisis, both had a fallout with the Jedi Order when they became disillusioned with the Senate we know this is what happened with Dooku. However, Dyas and Dooku had two kind of different approaches to the whole situation at hand. It's around this time that Dooku was inducted into the Sith as Darth Sidious' second apprentice, Darth Tyranus. Though Dyas was unaware Dooku had turned to the dark side, their bond triggered a vision in Dyas' head of the impending Clone Wars. Dyas, still a member of the Jedi Order, unaware that Dooku was Tyranus, and still a good friend of Dooku's, reached out to Dooku to share his vision with him, as Dooku was the only one that Sifo-Dyas felt he could trust. Perhaps one day Dyas remarked how he knew of a species that were experts in the art of clone-making, a species he discovered on one of his many journeys. This species the Kaminoans only offered their services to those who discovered them, and believed in using clones as an alternative for service droids, but the Kaminoans still required a large payment. Dooku pressured Sifo-Dyas into commissioning the Kaminoans to creating a clone army, using his Jedi identity as a way to make the Kaminoans believing that the Senate and the Jedi Council were requesting it. Dooku - remember, he's a count from Serenno, a wealthy nobleman - even gave a loan to Sifo-Dyas. Eventually, Sifo-Dyas decided to act on it, believing he was doing what was right, unaware he was just another Jedi victim in a much larger Sith scheme. After the Kaminoans were paid and began preparing for productivity, Dooku hired the Pyke Syndicate to shoot down Sifo-Dyas' shuttle and kill him and any other witnesses as detailed in Clone Wars. Dooku assumed control of the project, with the Kaminoans placing trust in him since, after all, Dooku was a former Jedi himself. It's possible they were still unaware that Dooku had left the Jedi Order. Or perhaps he went with the identity of Tyranus all along. Point is, Dooku somehow took control of the project, and being the apprentice of Sidious, it was also now in Palpatine's hands.

Attack of the Clones - Master Sifo-Dyas?
Yoda seems to be pretty confident that the Master of the Sith is alive, and that his apprentice was killed after all. Yoda knows that the Sith are behind this. Rather, Sidious himself orders the clones using an alias; there are no ties to a former Jedi who actually existed, and no mystery about how a Jedi could have placed an order. The particular scene the whole scene where Obi-wan informs the two masters, Mace Windu and Yoda about his findings on Kamino ends the making of. Therefore, in order to defend the Republic, Master Sifo-Dyas secretly commissioned a clone army from the aforementioned cloners. His lost lightsaber was recovered and activated by Plo Koon.